Frankie Foy

Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: United Kingdom
Age: 24
Availability: In Call
30 mins: £100
Cities: London
Additional Services:

i’ll come to dinner dates, weddings, company, i also attend events and non intimate dates! i’m a good companion so if you’re just looking for some company, let me know, Drop me a text!


Services: 69, Assisted Bath/Shower, Bareback, Blowjob, Cum in Face, Cum On Tits, Dinner Dates, Fingering, French Kissing, Girlfriend Experience, Hand Holding, Hand Relief, Kissing, Light Spanking, Lingerie, Modelling, Oral With, Oral Without, Party-Girl, Quickies, Rimming, Role Play, Strap Ons, Submissive, Tea Bagging, Tit Job, Toys, Uniforms

24 years old, out going, up for fun and ready for an adventure! join me for some games! i love a laugh and i LOVE meeting new people! I also expect a cup of coffee after some fun so enlighten me!


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